Martial Arts
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Martial Arts is not only a sport but a way of life.

Artes Marciales son no solamente un deporte pero una manera de la vida.




bullet Martial Arts - Go Ju is the style I study. 
bullet The School or Dojo
bullet Kata - Is a form or floor routine.  People always ask, "Why do you do forms?"    
bullet Why Bother with Kata  (English Version)
bullet Por qué la Molestia con Kata  (Versión Español)
bullet Friends- I like to travel as well.  When I travel I also like to go to other Martial Art schools.  No matter the style.   When I go to other schools I always like to learn new things. 
bullet Randall Sanchez - A good friend in Costa Rica
bullet A good friend and fierce competitor. 
bullet Dwane Lewis - Dwane Lewis' Martial Arts Academy
bullet Tournaments - Click on a state and see about tournaments.
bullet Tournaments
bullet Black Belt Magazine
bullet Black Belt Magazine
bullet Humor
bullet Martial Arts Humor

This site was last updated 01/01/25


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